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“I have a cat outside that needs to go, he’s mean!”
This is a common message we receive. The cats are often described as large, big headed, muscular, has fight wounds, could be a bobcat and he’s downright mean. Usually, what they are trying to describe is a tomcat.
Instinctively, tomcats become more territorial during breeding season, when female cats are in heat, just like in the wild. They are not inherently mean — this is a human characteristic being placed on an animal. During these times you will hear more yowling, fights between male cats and spraying their territory. Female cats can become more protective when in heat, pregnant and postpartum too.

Often times this is an easy fix. Once male cats are neutered, they no longer desire to trail female cats in search of a mate and it greatly reduces the need to be territorial.
After a male cat is sterilized they can no longer produce testosterone which is what induces these urges. It takes approximately 4-6 weeks for the testosterone levels to deplete and to see more favorable behaviors.
One of the biggest misconceptions about relocating cats is the problem will be solved but in actuality, a new male cat will move into the territory since it has now become available. Spaying female and neutering male cats is the only humane solution.
This is just one of many great reasons why you should spay and neuter cats by 4 months of age, whether they go outside or not. It is scientifically proven, cats live healthier lives when spayed and neutered.

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